Thursday, March 6, 2008


the reason i put perdido is because i am completely lost in what i want to do in the future. for non- spanish speakers perdido means lost. Hopefully at the end of this semester this name will not be relevant.


justicia said...

yeah i know what you mean, its tough figuring out your life. good luck.

(((Hema))) said...

At least you're on your way! There are a lot of people who prefer to not ask questions and get settled into a life they hate. Once you figure out what you really wanna do, never let go of trying. :]

Yeah, you ask him to say it, he'll probably just know I'm crazy if I ask lol.

BonafideCityGirl said...

hey,Noel. well your nott he only one perdido. i'm perdida as well, what i do know is that i still don't know what i'm suppose to be doing with my life. But i figured out that i jus have to take life each day at a time, i'm not rushing to figure it out. we're young and we have our hole life ahead of us. so i would say don't worry.